Auckland in Photos

My photo journal of Auckland, New Zealand:

Elliot Street: a nicely paved side street one block down from my hostel.

Along a street in downtown Auckland with Sky Tower, the most prominent structure in the city, reflected on an office building.

They have these pretty red streetlights by the ferry in downtown.

I thought the ferry building was the nicest building along the water.

Just a crosswalk, it stops all traffic so you can cross diagonally. I also had to watch out for cars differently since they drive on the left here in NZ.

The suburbs of Auckland from Mount Eden. A dormant volcano now covered by grass and foliage, right in the middle of Auckland.

Took the ferry across the channel to get a better view of the city skyline.

Taken from the top of a hill across the channel. I got there before sunset, and waited until dark to capture the skyline at night.

I explored Auckland and took these photos on September 20th, 2018

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