Finding Pockets of Home Abroad

It’s been a week since I left home to go on a long term trip around the world, and being a homebody, I know that not having a place to call home for a while will take it’s toll on me if I’m not able to manage it. But even though I don’t have a physical place to ‘go home to’ as I bounce from hostel to hostel, I think that I may be able to find little pockets of ‘home’ in everyday things. If I can do that, it’ll allow me to enjoy all the new things without being overwhelmed, and keep the feelings of homesickness at bay.

So far I’ve been looking for and finding these pockets of home in:

  • Music - Reviving and listening to my old playlists.
  • Food - Taking my time to cook warm hearty meals and buying food and snacks that I used to eat a lot back home.
  • Friends - Messaging friends back home, and making new friends and connections.
  • Rituals - Drinking a cup of hot chocolate or tea in the morning or taking my time to wash up and get ready for the day.
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