My Week in Australia

I spent just a little over a week in Australia, which is not a lot of time to explore this huge country. I didn’t have much time here because I need to get to Nepal by November and I wanted to visit Singapore and slow down a bit there before I go do my 16 day long Everest Trek in Nepal.

I didn’t want to rush and try to see too much, so I gave myself 4 full days in Sydney, and 3 full days at Uluru (in the middle of the Australian outback). With this itinerary I figured I would have just enough time to explore and enjoy each place at my own pace with some wiggle room for improvisation.

Not even close to seeing a good chunk of Australia but I'm really happy with the time I spent at the places I did go!

Sydney: 4 Days (October 17th - 21st)
Meal prepped for the rest of the week during my first night in Sydney. It's an expensive city and I didn't want to spend much on food here.
The first full day I was there, I walked around the harbor and explored the downtown areas.
At night I went across the harbor to catch a view of the Sydney skyline at night
Visited Featherdale Wildlife Park to see some Australian animals!
Made friends with this suave wallaby, and spent a good 20 minutes petting him. I think these are my new favorite animals now.

  • Surfed at Manly Beach and Maroubra Beach. The conditions were rough though due to the bad weather that’s been hovering over Sydney for a while now.
  • People watched at the very crowded Bondi Beach, left right before heavy thunderstorms rolled in.
  • Spent a much needed day resting and recharging at a private room Airbnb in the suburbs of Sydney. I couldn’t handle my hostel anymore due to the over the top party atmosphere and the mosquitoes in the room.

Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park: 3 Days (October 22nd - 25th)
Watched the stunning sunset over Kata Tjuta
Stayed around after sundown because the temperatures were much nicer at night and the full moon was so bright it lit up the landscape. Got this nice long exposure shot of Uluru
Took a bus to Uluru to watch the sunrise
Then did a 4 hour walk around the base of Uluru
Some of the landscape surrounding the massive rock formation
Attended some free events in the surprisingly resort-like area that my hostel was at including this didgeridoo workshop

  • Also went to a talk about aboriginal australian/outback desert foods. It was extremely engaging and interesting.
  • Had the majority of my groceries and water stolen out of the communal kitchen at the hostel I was staying at. It sucked especially since everything cost a lot of money due to the remoteness of this place. First time it’s happened to me.
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